Star Trek 2 Fan Made Teaser Trailer.

Jun 5, 2012
The official fan made teaser trailer for Star Trek 2 has just arrived. Similar to the teaser trailer of JJ Abram's films, there's exactly no explanation to the story or a snippet of the next villain (Hoping it was Khan). Here it is:

UPDATE: According to MovieClipsCOMINGSOON, the channel who uploaded the trailer, this teaser was fan made. Here's the complete statement:

"While we thought it would be fun to put it was fan made teaser only in the description,
we now realize many people don't read on youtube...wooops.
Let us be totally clear.
We made this video because we can't wait for the REAL TEASER!
We are very excited and I hope you all are as well - please take it easy and have some fun.
Would love your thoughts on what you think the movie is going to be about in the comments!"

Star Trek 2 will be in cinemas, May 17, 2013. In 3D and IMAX 3D.

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