The Aviator (Film Review)

Nov 2, 2013
Martin Scorsese created films beyond our reach. His mastery towards filmmaking became the inspiration of some of today's directors. Taking us to the dirty and corrupted environments of Las Vegas and New York, to the controversial accounts of Jesus Christ and Jordan Belfort (in the upcoming 'Wolf of Wall Street'), Marty's (as what his friends frequently called him) way of storytelling provides the title of the "Greatest Living Director" by fans and some critics alike. Commemorating the filmmaker's amazing achievements. here I am to review from what I thought is my favorite of his. A recent movie I just saw and instantly floored over it, 2004's 'The Aviator'.

The movie starts with Howard Hughes being bathe by his own mother, teaching him the word "Quarantine" and the dangers beyond its surface. The young Howard was raised a germophobic person, and as soon as he became an adult, the boyish-looking Howard pursues his goal of becoming a filmmaker. In a big budgeted passion project from him entitled 'Hell's Angels', Howard Hughes gained the title of becoming the director of the highest grossing film in its time, and is the talk of the local newspapers, wherein the young billionaire dated A-list celebrities like Jean Harlow, Ava Gardner and Kate Hepburn (whom he had an relationship with).

Hepburn, intensely portrayed by the talented Cate Blanchett, became too close with Hughes that he teach her to stimulate the plane in a very intimate scene. In other news, Howard, being list to other personalities, caused the separation of the two, ending up with Howard on mental breakdown, burning most of his clothes while bare naked, which I thought was utterly confusing. The aerial sequences in the film was amazingly played that got me goosebumps all over with awe. It was exciting, beautiful, and intense to look at.

The entire film was nearly three hours, and it didn't felt that long because of the well-crafted editing and pacing of the story. To be honest with you, it almost look like time just flew away instantly, not knowing of its lengthy running time. Performance was't a big deal because Scorsese knows how to arrange its actors on camera. I mean, this is literally Leonardo DiCaprio's greatest achievement after Titanic. There's something about his charisma and the inside that pumps his character Howard. The highest praise I can give for an actor is the fact that you don't know that a character is being acted by an actor, same to DiCaprio's performance. A bug that he doesn't won at least an Oscar for this.

The movie ended with Howard, after winning a case over the government, creating the biggest airplane that flew ever constructed, and buying the rights of TWA Airlines, on a quick note stating "The way of the Future". As Howard Hughes intended on creating a difference on the history of planes, Martin Scorsese succeeded on making from what I thought was his best work, and 'The Aviator' just proved that Scorsese indeed create a difference on the realm of movies.

The geek rates it an 10/10.

For now, why not check this clip from 'The Aviator':
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