Yesterday, the third and final trailer for 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' was released online and ESPN's Monday Night Football. It is indeed a glorious and memorable day for the fans, as some of them are forced to glue their eyes on the ball play just to be the one to first catch the trailer. Sale of tickets were also being made public, and theater chain sites including Fandango got their servers crashed because of "nerd traffic". And there's no way you can beat nerd traffic.
It's been a long time since the previous trailer premiered on the Star Wars Celebration last April, and this new one still, and thankfully didn't spoiled a thing on what the movie is all about. I really tried to stay away from rumor corner since some of them may have the slightest chance to be true, but leave it to Director JJ Abrams and the team for injecting more speculations until the film's release this December.
Just look how terrified his face is here.
'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' opens December 17 in theaters nationwide!
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It's been a long time since the previous trailer premiered on the Star Wars Celebration last April, and this new one still, and thankfully didn't spoiled a thing on what the movie is all about. I really tried to stay away from rumor corner since some of them may have the slightest chance to be true, but leave it to Director JJ Abrams and the team for injecting more speculations until the film's release this December.
But we get to know more about the main characters, presumably the main players for the new trilogy. Daisy Ridley's Rey is a scavenger and we see her in the opening scavenging an old space ship, living in a deserted planet. It may or may not be Tattoine, but it's definitely a nice nod to the original 'Star Wars' movie with Luke Skywalker.
Finn, played by John Boyega is a storm trooper realizing he is serving the wrong side. Well, scratch that. He is playing someone in the rise of being a Jedi. The final scene with him dueling with Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) looks like Finn is learning to train the hard way, because he looks scared as hell.
Just look how terrified his face is here.
The reason for him wearing the storm trooper outfit might be because of the fact that he's working on the rebellion before or he is on a rescue mission to Oscar Isaac's Poe Dameron, who in this trailer, disappointingly in a short brief presence, being controlled (whatever that hand gesture does) in the head screaming.
Hands down the best part of the trailer was the Millennium Falcon being chased by X-Wings in a deserted planet (might be Rey's home?!?). The sweeping shot of the whole chase screams JJ Abrams all over, and this franchise needs that treatment in its action sequences. Add to that, Harrison Ford as Han Solo talking to Rey and Finn that the stories about the dark side and the jedis are all true. "All of it." It's a sweet and short scene stating that these characters have come a long way since their old adventures.
The tone of the trailer, and I hope it is the same for the movie, is perfect. It is dark and grounded in a good way as well as recapturing the classic adventurous feel of the original trilogy. I still hope for a more light-hearted 'Star Wars' fare than the Abrams' 'Trek' films though.
The final trailer was enough to fill me in for the 2 months wait, and i'm completely pumped up for the movie. I didn't want to talk more about Luke's absence here because too much speculations may lead to more expectations, and I don't want to expect a lot for this movie except I just want my new 'Star Wars' movie already. I personally think the last trailer was a bit better than here because of that Luke Skywalker voice-over, but nevertheless this one's very well made!
'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' opens December 17 in theaters nationwide!
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