Berry plays a single mother named Karla Dyson who lives a perfect life with her young son Frankie. One day, upon entering a local park, Karla sees her son suddenly being abducted out of the blue by a kidnapper.
The film took eight years in the pre-production phase before it went to principal photography, producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura revealed in an interview.
As Di Bonaventura developed and polished the film’s concept, he began thinking about who to cast as the story’s everyday woman turned super hero protagonist. “We needed someone that audiences wanted to root for, and that you can see the vulnerability of their character, which leads to the gradual dawning of a certain amount of empowerment, ultimately becoming fully empowered and being really physically willing to take on the villains of the film,” Di Bonaventura said.
One name immediately came to mind – Academy Award winner Halle Berry. “She’s perfect not only because she’s an Academy Award-winning actress, but also because she is a mother and she can bring some of that experience and those emotions to the role - what would you do if your kid got taken from you,” remarks producer Greg Chou.
“I needed an actress that would be able to go from that moment of brightness to a very dangerous place, that is finding yourself without your son, and knowing how far that place will be, and Halle was obviously the perfect choice for this protective role,” explains director Luis Prieto.
The industry veteran, Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas, who has collaborated with Berry for over twelve years and acting partner in 606 Films, calls the actress, “Extraordinary, because she always finds the reality and people relate to her and understand her because she can find the truth in her character.”
“She’s awesome, she’s so strong, and she’s a great actor. These scenes are so intense and she brings it in every scene; she’s always dialled in and I think the result is going to be a nonstop thrilling action ride,” explains executive producer D.J. Gugenheim.
“It’s nice to be wearing both hats you know, I don’t have to be the dancing bear, I get to have real input into the story and how the movie is shot and who’s involved form start to finish,” explains Berry on the topic of being both and actress and a producer on the film.
“That’s a really good feeling to have that kind of input and then also be the person that gets to carry out that vision,” added Berry.
“Halle plays this single mom hoping to get back with her husband only to find out that her husband is going to marry someone else, and she has to figure out how to be a good mom in the middle of that,” explains producer Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas.
Berry is able to intertwine her characters from the superhero fantasies and action thrillers by embracing the everyday mom and also having to make the transformation into a real-life superhero.
The actress explains the distinctiveness of her character for this film, saying “The biggest thing that makes Karla unique is she is everywoman. She is just very ordinary but when faced with a threat of something happening to her child she becomes extraordinary and I think that’s what every mother every father every parent would become if they were faced with this situation.”
“They really don’t know exactly what they’re doing and neither does Karla, so they are equal opponents at the end of the day.”
‘Kidnap’ opens August 2, 2017 in cinemas nationwide from Captive Cinema.
Photo credits: Captive Cinema
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