Where to Watch Hockey in Calgary

Jun 12, 2020
Where to watch hockey in calgary

If you know anything about Canadian culture, you know that Canadians are die-hard hockey fans. Oddly enough, hockey isn't the nation's national sport, but it is without a doubt the most popular. There are several professional hockey teams throughout Canada. There is essentially a team for each big city that people live in: Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, but then there is Calgary.

They must put something in the water down in Calgary because they take their hockey to the next level. Most people in Calgary don't miss a Flames game, and they are dedicated to the local youth getting involved with the sport at a young age. If you are ever in Calgary and want to know the best spots to catch the next enticing hockey game, below is a list of ideas of destinations.

Scotiabank Saddledome

The Scotiabank Saddledome is the home arena of the famous Calgary Flames. If you are a local of Canada, or if you have ever been to a hockey game live, right in front of the action, you know that watching a hockey game in the stands is the best way to experience it. 

Plus, the environment in Calgary is so electric and active that watching the game from the stands in Calgary would be some of the most fun you have ever had at a sporting event. 

Sports Bars 

Where to watch hockey in calgary

It isn't realistic to see every single hockey game live from the bleachers, especially if you are not native to that team and don't have season tickets. A great way to get a similar experience in electric fans and a high-intensity environment is in local sports bars. 

There are numerous sports bars throughout Calgary that you can get a great experience watching a hockey game. Plus you get to go out with your friends and meet new people in the process. 

Max Bell Centre 

Every year there is a big youth tournament hosted at the Max Bell Centre, and it consists of some of the most talented young players in all of Canada. If you are passionate about hockey, and you would be interested in seeing the game's future superstars, then this tournament is something to consider watching. 

Also, Max Bell Centre is home to the junior flames, an elite AAA hockey organization that spits out NHL prospects year after year.


Where to watch hockey in calgary

Calgary's die-hard hockey fans know that watching hockey and being a part of the culture there isn't just about hockey. It is a way of life. Apart from the sports aspect, people in Calgary fit the Canadian profile to a T. Stereotypically, Canadian people are amicable and welcoming. With the people in Calgary, that is no expectation unless you are an Oilers fan.

Some people enjoy the city, the people, and the hockey culture of Calgary so much that they decide to buy one of the several Calgary homes for sale. To fully understand the culture and the city, you almost have to become a Calgarian yourself.

Featured images from Markus Spiske, Alex Knight, and Gerhard Crous


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